Thursday, September 11, 2014

Definitively, Americans are the pawns and serfs of the warmongering Zionist Jewish Bankers in control of the Federal Reserve System, the Puppet in the White House, the US Congress, the US Armed Forces, Academia, and the Mainstream News Media. Americans even worship the Zionists Jews and gladly join the US Armed Forces and squander their lives and limbs in the battlefields of the Middle East as they wag their tails in approval to the atrocities committed by their Zionist Jewish masters and the diabolical and murderous fiends of the Knesset in the land of Palestine, all in the name of Israel.

Do you believe that Americans someday will wake up from their spiritual slumber? Never, since from 1963 they have been indoctrinated throughout the public education system to be slaves of pleasure, and serfs of the Zionist Jewish Bankers of the Federal Reserve System.
Most American believe that life is a Football Game Played by Us Against Them, Republicans against Democrats, Left against Right, Liberal against Conservatives, while they are being manipulated and easily swayed  by the Mainstream News Media or the paid whores of the Zionist Jewish Bankers   

Most Americans are ignorant, obstinate, and blind as a bat, and they still believe that Obama is the duly elected President, when in reality, Obama is the dancing puppet of the Puppet Masters A.K.A. Dirty Pimps, Globalists, Money-changers, or International Bankers

Most Americans have their ears closed, but their mouths are like an overflowing sewer pipe spewing out an endless stream of crap. They don't understand that this is a war of good against evil, and these evil forces are determined to destroy the Church of Jesus Christ,  and the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America, one Nation under God. These evil forces are composed of the demonic Talmudic Zionist Jews of the Federal Reserve Bank, the murderous  Zionist Ashkenazi European fake Jews of the Knesset, and demonic Islam, defined as the other evil force bent on conquest by employing absolute terror and the most savage forms of violence.

Edmund Burke said, “Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.”
Therefore, most Americans don't know or don't care that in 1913 the Talmudic Zionist Jewish Bankers not only established the illegal Federal Reserve System, but they also established the illegal Federal Income Tax, and they also installed every Presidential puppet in the White House and their respective Zionist Jewish appointees. Here are some examples beginning with William J. Clinton, and continuing with George W. Bush, and Barrack H. Obama, in full view of the Christ betrayers and treasonous Christian Clergy of America Self Gagged under the 501 (c3) Tax-Exempt Code.

The only exception was President John Kennedy, who while signing Executive Order No. 11110, granting back power to the US Congress to issue currency as stated in the US Constitution in Article 1, Section 8, “the sole power to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures.” Kennedy unknowingly was also signing his own death warrant for trying to eliminate the Fiat Currency having no intrinsic value issued by the Federal Reserve System at interest, as opposed to Kennedy’s notes backed by silver and gold, interest free.
Definitively, Americans are the pawns and serfs of the warmongering Zionists Jewish Bankers in control of the Federal Reserve System, the Puppet in the White House, the US Congress, the US Armed Forces, Academia, and the Mainstream News Media. Americans even worship the  Zionists Jews  and gladly join the US Armed Forces in order to squander their lives and limbs in the battlefields of the Middle East as they wag their tails in approval to the atrocities committed by their Zionist Jewish masters and the diabolical and murderous fiends of the Knesset in the land of Palestine, all in the name of Israel.

Brainwashed America cannot comprehend that Republicans and Democrats are the same crap gathered in different piles. Republicans and Democrats are in reality the stringed puppets of the International Banking Cartel orchestrating their evil agenda from within the confines of the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission.

The Talmudic Zionist Jewish Bankers of the illegal Federal Reserve System (FED) are determined to create a totalitarian One World Government, since they are responsible for the creation of the European Union, and the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), composed of Canada, Mexico, and the United States.

Immigration Reform is another underhanded scheme of the Talmudic Zionist Jewish Bankers to farther corrupt and ruin the Sovereignty of the American Republic through their paid whores of the U.S. Congress holding US/Israeli dual citizenship, through the ignorance of its immoral citizens, and by supporting mass murderer Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu who is an expert in slaughtering defenseless men, women, and children of Palestine all in the name of the counterfeit state Israel, and  propagandized by their paid whores of the Mainstream News Media. 

Obama said in Wales, during a press conference at the close of a meeting of NATO allies. "We are going to degrade and ultimately defeat ISIS, the same way we have gone after Al Qaeda." However, ISIS is another fairy tale contrived by the demonic Talmudic Zionist Jewish Bankers controlling the illegal Federal Reserve Bank, Israel, Islam, Obama, the US Armed Forces, the members of  the US Congress holding US/Israeli dual citizenship, the filthy whores of the Mainstream News Media, and the brainwashed American Goyim.    

The truth of the matter is that the Zionist Jewish Bankers of the Federal Reserve Banking Cartel (FED) use their whores of the Mainstream News Media to control Americans, which are very easily bamboozled, and tossed here and there by every fabricated wind of intrigue, and by the trickery, craftiness, and deceitfulness of evil men in high places, such as using the "supposedly" beheading of two journalists in order to "Sway public opinion in favor of creating another war in the Middle East"

American Free Press examines claims that the video of American reporter James Foley being executed was a staged fakery. I think it has been staged,” a visual forensics expert, who was not identified, told the Times after scrutinizing the four-minute, 40-second film. “First, although the masked jihadist can be seen repeatedly drawing the knife [at least six times] across the 40-year-old war reporter’s neck, no actual incisions were visible,” the analyst said. “Similarly, there didn’t appear to be any blood spilling from Foley’s throat, and the sounds he made at the moment of his death didn’t sound right.” A careful listen reveals that the sound is akin to a “baah” sound of a lamb being slaughtered.

There are only two kinds of people in the world living side by side, the enlightened people of God born again from above through His Son Jesus Christ substitutionary atoning sacrificial death on the cross, and the deceived offspring of the devil. Which are you? If you say, I am a Christian, I attend and tithe church regularly, I don't steal, I don't cheat, and I don't lie. But, if you see a crime being committed or if you know a crime has been committed and you turn the other way because no one will know, then you are not only a lying hypocrite lying to your own self, you are also lying unto God and slapping Christ across the face, for the simple fact that it is the duty and the responsibility of a Christian to get involved and denounce the evil perpetrators, and help the authorities in bringing them to justice.    

If you think no one will know, think again, since according to Psalm 33:13-15 God is watching you, "From heaven the LORD looks down and sees all mankind; from his dwelling place he watches all who live on earth--he who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do" Therefore, God sees that you are a failure in Exposing and Confronting Evil, and  God also sees that you tolerate ungodly behaviors and actions, such as Unrighteousness, Lying, Cheating, and Injustice, otherwise you would help to expose and depose our corrupt government officials, beginning with the puppet in chief Barrack Hussein Obama, and continuing with vice-president Joe Biden, and the treasonous Jewish impostors seating in the US Congress having dual citizenship with the counterfeit and murderous state of Israel

Every hidden thing that you do, and everything that you neglect to do, are open, and laid  bare in the eyes of God and his son Jesus Christ who says in Matthew 10:26, "There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known" 

And as stated in Hebrews 4:13, "Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account" 

Therefore, if you believe that you are a Christian you must obey the teachings of Jesus Christ, and forsake the political correct crap legalized by the US Government in the last 100 years, such as the illegal Federal Reserve System, the Income Tax, Separation of Church and State, which is as asinine as demanding that the arm must move independently of  the hand, and the hand must move independently of the arm, Affirmative Action, Abortion on Demand, Euthanasia, Divorce, Sodomy, Same Sex Marriage, and against the ban imposed by the tyrannical Supreme Court Justices on the display of the Ten Commandments, Bible Reading, and Prayer Recitation  in Public Education.

And obey the scriptures since they are God-breathed and are useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, and find out what pleases the Lord, and have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said: "Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you."

As it stands right now, America is nothing more than a hell bound sewer pipe populated by politically correct cowards, in love with abortionists, sodomites, and dishonest politicians. Well deserving Obama who is the evidence of God’s judgment on America.
However, the forces of darkness bent on destroying the Church of Jesus Christ and the City Upon a Hill will not prevail as stated by Jesus Christ in Matthew 16:15-18, "But what about you?" Jesus asked. "Who do you say I am?" Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock (faith) I will build my church, and the gates of Hades (hell) will not overcome it" 

Therefore, in order to restore the Republic, we must first humble ourselves and pray to God in the name of his beloved son Jesus Christ for the revival and genuine repentance of the entire Nation, and also for the spiritual awakening of Pastors and Christian Leaders throughout the land, so the gospel of Jesus Christ can go forth to the ends of the earth as commanded by Jesus in Mark 16:15-16, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned." 

And, we must begin with the abolition  of the lie of Separation of Church and State by welcoming God and his son Jesus Christ back into the Public Square, and into the Public Classrooms of America.

And, we must stump out the illegal Federal Reserve Bank (FED) by putting into effect Executive Order No. 11110 signed by President John F. Kennedy on June 4, 1963, which will grant power to the US Congress to issue interest free currency, as opposed to the high interest attached to the FED's currency, as stated in the US Constitution in Article 1, Section 8, “the sole power to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures”   

And, it is imperative that we cut off all ties with the murderous and counterfeit state of Israel. 

And, we must stamp out AIPAC , the treasonous anti-American lobbying organization working very diligently to influence the treasonous Zionist Jews seating in the US Congress to vote in favor of Israel, while neglecting the interest of the American people.

And, we must remove all those treasonous Zionist Jews seating in the U.S. Congress, and throughout the US government holding U.S./Israeli dual citizenship and we must tried them in a court of law, and if found guilty of treason, they must be stripped off their US citizenship and immediately the miscreants must be deported back to the murderous and counterfeit state of Israel. 

And, magically all the problems with illegal  immigrants crossing the US borders, and all the problems with the US economy, and all the wars in the Middle East will promptly disappears, since God grants peace and secure borders to those who love him by keeping his commandments, as stated in Psalm 147:13-14, "For he strengthens the bars of your gates and blesses your people within you. He grants peace to your borders and satisfies you with the finest of wheat."  
